To a Successful


Many entrepreneurs fail due to the lack of guidance and absence of a strong education system.
The 'Success Education' program helps you by providing a 'Virtual Tool Kit' containing all that you require to learn and building a solid career for yourself.

Unique Program
All Concepts Covered in-depth
Learn form anywhere
100% Digital Product
Curated Courses
Faster Growth and SuccessVirtual Tool Kit

Module 1
Basics of Direct selling and
Introduction to MI LIFESTYLE

Module 2
Working your way up

Module 3
Expert Product Knowledge
Module 4
Inspirational Talk Shows

Module 5
Live & Interactive Courses
For Kids, Self development & Hobbies

Module 6
Live & Interactive Courses
For Kids, Self development & Hobbies

To learn more about the Industry, Enroll to
Free Gate Way To Success CourseFeatures & Benefits
MidigiWorld Package
Skill Courses

Expert Trainers

Always Available
Any time, Any place, Most of the courses are pre-recorded
Bhaasha [Languages - Inc. regional]
Lessons are in English, Hindi, Tamil & Malayalam. More to come in due course
Certificate of Achievement
from an independent entity upon successful completion of various modules
Distributor Leaders [Upto Diamond]
Top leaders form the teaching faculty of Midigiworld
Voucher can be purchased from Pre-order portal
Buy Midigi Package To Unlock BenefitsGET CERTIFIED
Upskill, Add and share this certificate
in your circle and on your profile

It's time to level up!
What are benefits of Midigiworld Package?
Midigiworld Subscription Package offers Faster and Bigger success in the industry, becoming a professional entrepreneur with knowledge of key skills like NLP and Digital Marketing, developing one's personality and communication skills. The subscription also offers multiple certificates across different modules.
Are there any courses that are related to direct selling?
A high proportion of the courses are related to direct selling. These courses are designed to guide the direct selling distributor from his basic orientation to advancement across ranks in his chosen company.
Are there any free courses to enroll before subscription?
Yes, there are a number of FREE courses available on the platform one can attain before taking the subscription. On the home page, there is dedicated section of courses called "Free courses" which can be enrolled simply by logging into the platform.
How to buy Midigiworld Subscription?
You can purchase the Voucher either from "Pre-order" portal or from the offline stores. Upon purchase of Voucher, you can visit Midigiworld portal, select "Buy subscription" option from menu, Enter your MI ID and apply the voucher code there by completing the process of buying a subscription.
In what all languages are courses available?
Majority of the courses on the platform are available in English, Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam. You can visit "Explore" section and select the language to see the courses available. We will add more regional languages shortly.
Does the platform offers Certification?
Midigiworld offers 4 Certificates of Achievements - Core Concepts of Direct Selling Certificate, Digital Marketing Certificate, Neurolinguistic Program Certificate, Building a Personal Brand Certificate. Upon completing all the four certificates, You will be eligible to Master Certificate of Proficiency!